Friday, September 5, 2008


I've almost hit the one week mark living in Chicago. Progress!

The rain has passed, and now we have partly cloudy days on the forecast through the weekend, with temps hovering around in the 70s. Last night was a stressful one for 30 minutes while Dusty was being stubborn about the nightly ritual as it was POURING rain outside. After that 30 mins, I gave up, took him back inside and toweled him dry before letting him loose in the apartment. Luckily, there were no accidents, and we even slept in until 9:15a before going outside.

Today is going to be a little slower, no interviews but I desperately need to do laundry, and then its the wait for the delivery guys. This afternoon, I envision just kicking back with another movie, maybe a trip down to the post office to mail some Trader joe's contraband. There's a nice big post office just around the corner. I might even head down to Borders and just walk around inside for a few minutes, though there's not anything in there I honestly need.


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