Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I did it!

As much as I was tempted to back out at the last minute, I went to the meeting earlier tonight for the Spades game. My team ended up winning both hands! Yay! we played for about 4 hours, and also took a little break to eat some chinese and just relax for a few minutes. It is a very relaxing feeling to be able to go out on the town without having to drive - I've hit my longest driving mark since I've come to the city. I haven't driven since I got home on Sunday evening - 4 days!!! And in that time I've been all over the city, explored the metra train, taken the el, buses, and walked to interviews, and a couple other destinations.

Just 9 more minutes until I ring in 25 years on Planet Earth. At least now I don't feel quite so bad at my current state of affairs - I've officially made some new friends!


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