Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I have a group "date" tonight to play Spades with a Spades club here in Chicago. They originally had a meetup scheduled on saturday, but it got cancelled, and so they are rescheduling a smaller group to meet tonight at Driftwood Inn, about a mile from my house. I wasn't going to be able to make the Saturday meeting anyway since other birthday festivities are being planned, but they invited me to the meeting tonight, and I'm going!

I'm a little nervous, but I am glad I am doing this. The one thing I really regretted living in Louisville, and to a lesser extent in Rochester was not making an effort early on to make a new group of friends. I was part of the Rochester RATS group, but only met up with them once, and there was about 15 people playing a trivia game. It was a little overwhelming, so I think getting to meet 3 other people first, and then working my way up to the rescheduled meeting for Sunday will fit my comfort level enough to keep pushing it without bailing early because I got too overwhelmed. They seem excited to meet me... poor souls ! Just kidding, Just kidding.


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