Tuesday, September 16, 2008


This is the first time since I was in high school where I have not been employed in some capacity, for this length of time. This gap has led me to several realizations, some of startled even me.

Walking to the Sears Tower for my interview, I was filled with what seemed anticipation - this could be the "IT" job: Successful company in sears tower + Downtown Chicago + Suit = SUCCESS. Except there was one small problem with that equation. I couldn't see myself being happy in that environment long term. With all the past employment choices, and this one in reality being no different since I still have bills to pay, I've been trying to narrow my choices from the myriad to those that could possibly offer more long term stability, both in employment and in meeting what I consider my happiness quotient.

While downtown is still certainly accessibly from my current housing location, I do not want the 10 hour working life. here, the job is not just the 8 hours on the job, but often includes an hour plus commute each way to work, making your day a minimum of 10 hours. Its not just a question of Dusty's physical comfort, but the fact that I am uncomfortable committing to this lifestyle while single, will be only that much more difficult when I do come across another relationship someday and hopefully have a family down the road. I don't want my job to define who I am ... I am Amy. Who happens to work at _____. The day your career becomes you is the day you will never be able to feel successful, for a career will always fail you. I just have to look at my employment track record to be reminded just how quickly your thoughts of security can be proven wrong.


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