Monday, September 1, 2008

The Reason for Writing

I've kept a journal for the last 4-5 years on another site, and about a month ago they did away with their journal format, in favor of blogs. It felt fitting to phase out of that area and start a new blog that gave me a fresh start and a way to capture this move, as well as the 25 year old milestone coming up in 2 weeks.

I have a set of meditation rituals, and decided to pull them out this morning to help give me some focus to all the madness. Fittingly, the card I pulled today was Solitude. Essentially, it was a mediation focus of inner strength, and that to truly know oneself, you must spend time alone.

There's been a lot of deep thinking already, and I want to make sure I put these down somewhere. Just the act of writing them out is often helpful to me in bringing a sense of clarity and direction.


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