Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Slept through the night

Other than waking up once or twice of my own accord.... Dusty and I made it through the night without any major mishaps or incidents. I'm still naturally waking up before 7am so that feels a little early without having to rush to get ready to a job.

My thought upon waking up this morning was that I should have looked harder to try and find a roommate situation that would be appealing, but that is the loneliness and guilt talking. A roommate would be home possibly at times I was not to give Dusty some company, but I just came from living with someone who I love dearly, but I was itching for complete control of my space. I need to keep reinforcing and reminding myself of these kinds of things, for the moments when my resolve weakens and I start to wobble.

And its only 7:30, but the construction guys in the floor below me are already up and hammering away. I guess its a good thing I woke up before they forced me to.


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