Saturday, May 29, 2010

I'm an auntie!

Tyler Fox was born today...

Congrats Kyle and Kayla.. and kiss your sleep goodbye :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Things happen for a reason

Sometimes I wonder what good can come out of some situations in our lives.

For one in particular, it seemed like the heartache that is all over the beginning of this blog was not worth the gain.

I'm reminded I'm wrong. I have gained a 2nd family because of crossing paths with people, and even if I am no longer attached to the person who made the initial encounter possible, they still consider me part of the family and welcome me with open arms.

These are the kinds of folks I'm proud to call my chosen family.

Friday, May 7, 2010


This week has been a whirlwind... lots of things, lots of emotions, lots of decisions.

Things have happened in the last two weeks that if you had asked me 2 months ago I'd see myself in this situation, I would have not an inkling. I'm being purposely vague for now because I don't want to jinx myself and because I sometimes need privacy even from myself to figure things out in the quiet spaces.

But all that being said... I have smiled more in the last 2 weeks than I have in months. I have rediscovered just how much I enjoy the field that I was actively in with my college education. I have had to have the guts to believe in my own skills enough to take a GIANT chance. That may or may not pan out... but at this point I really don't care. Just the experience to be through this last week has brought a lot of clarity to things in ways that make this month seem like a complete full circle to the year 2005.

When I look at what has made me the happiest over the last decade, its not money. Its not graduating college.

It's spending an afternoon on the porch making homemade ice cream.

Its walking in the middle of the forest and laughing because you can.

Its looking someone straight in the eyes and feeling a connection that years only strengthen, and not diminish.

Its trailing your fingers in the water while floating in the sun.

It's being in the moment.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mexico 2010

These were some of my favorite parts of the Mexico Trip this year. There was a donkey track that took you from Cuzama into the brush/hacienda to 3 different Cenotes, where you could swim for as long as you wanted, then they would take you to the next one.

As you can see from the picture, taken from the top of the cenote entrance, the water was crystal clear, nice and semi warm, and there were roots growing in from the ground above.

This is the picture of the second cenote we hit, which was my favorite.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Back in the Groove

Before the beaches start charging tokens for the summer, I got my walking groove back on yesterday.

Absolutely cool but gorgeous weather... I love the color of the water and the sand in this picture.

For the rest of the pictures from this walk, check out my Picasa :

Windy City Memories. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino