Thursday, September 4, 2008

Morning Apathy

I used to wake up in such a great mood... I need to find the magic that made that happen again.

I am sure part of it is my back protesting the continued sleep on an air mattress while I wait delivery of the futon style sofa bed *hopefully* tomorrow. and the other a small migraine from the weather system that is dropping rain on us right now. And, the fact that I haven't had a cup of coffee since the burnt coffee I had on the drive up to Chicago. Now that the heat has gone away for a day, I think I can turn on the gas stove and not be afraid to make a little heat, and make some coffee at some point today.

Yesterday dusty slept in till 10:15 or so before needing to go out. No such luck today. at 7:10 am, we were out walking in the rain taking care of business. I am too awake to try and go back to sleep, but I think I am going to finish the rest of my movie before starting the day.


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