Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Today I have an interview at the Sears Tower. I've had several interviews downtown in the loop, but this is the first time In The Sears Tower. Its on the 51st floor. I've never been that high up in a building. Highest to date was the 28th floor of an apartment. *gulp* I'll be fine, but it'll be a memorable interview, that's for sure.

I'm slowly getting better at accepting responsibility for my state of mind. Yesterday I made a trip up to Peets Coffee in Evanston - one of the best coffee chains around, and one of my absolute favorites for whole bean coffee. Soooo aromatic! Yesterday was the first time I've had a cup of coffee since arriving in Chicago, and I came home and also made a pot of tea as the night got cooler.

I scored a deal on a Mountain Hardware polartex layering piece while waiting out the rain yesterday afternoon in an outdoors shop. Out here, you need all the warmth you can get!

The mornings as crisp... I feel like I'm back in New York where you don't want to wake up because the bed is so warm. I miss my bed. I'm not going to complain about what I have now because its light years from the air mattress last week, but I miss the queen size room to stretch out without either my head or my feet, or even both hanging out over the edge. I miss the beautiful gray frame that I fell in love with. The feeling that my bedroom was an oasis where once I went in, the problems of the day stayed below in the downstairs.

I miss waking up and having a nice, steaming hot cup of coffee placed in my hands and having someone to say good morning to. That quiet awareness of people living around you, everyone doing their own thing, but just the comfort that someone cares enough you're alive, breathing, and notices when you don't seem quite right. Amazing how easy it is to disguise this in interactions over the internet or even on the phone.


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