Friday, October 3, 2008

Last Day of Freedom

This is hopefully the last day for a long long time where I am involuntarily not working on a weekday. I hopped on the Clark St. bus towards downtown, just people watching and seeing the sights go by. I wanted to grab lunch at Portillos, and was fortunate to have gotten on the bus that would drop me literally right at the doorstep. As soon as I realized, I made a dash for the bus door and was able to get off before it started rolling again.

Lunch was a bacon cheeseburger and cheddar cheese fries, and perfect for the cool day we've had so far. I'm definitely much less overwhelmed when walking around downtown now that i understand the numbering scheme and can visually recognize areas of town and buildings. Portillos was just a block north of the Maggianos I spent 2 hours trying to find in August, so that was definitely a memorable flashback.

I used up the balance on my starbucks gift card to grab some coffee and read a magazine before hopping on the red line back up to my part of town.

As the weather cools down, I am definitely starting to feel underdressed here. Phoenix was very very casual, and the other cities I've lived in were by no means fashion hubs. I guess I've got a clean slate since I had to leave all of my winter clothes behind, save for a fleece jacket and some sweaters to pull over. It's not going to be cheap finding these clothes right now, but I will do some homework and find some thrift stores/Marshalls and see what luck I have there.


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