Sunday, February 1, 2009


I've read all 4 books, and yes, I'm a fan. Feels kinda weird to be "one of the girls", finally. I was reading the books on loan from a friend, and so gave her back the first 3 after I finished them, and I've been rereading the 4th every day for the last week.

I checked out the Chicago Public Library online to see about snagging the other books to read again. I am astounded. For JUST the 3rd book, CPL has 160 + copies ( I counted!) and every. single. one. is either checked out, on hold, or in intralibrary transit.

Does this mean I'm doomed to actually be productive again? I was so enjoying losing myself in a book the way I did before I began college and my reading turned to having to read 200-300 pgs a week of textbooks. It took 3 years after graduating from ASU and then a 6 month break from Grad School for this love of pleasure reading to return. It makes up for the double loss of no piano. I can't have everything, I know.


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