Thursday, February 19, 2009

Past and Present

While I'm trying to focus on some work stuff, my mind went off on this train of thought. Writing it down here so I don't forget.

Why do I feel so much connection to the Buddhism background... instead of the christianity embraced in my childhood. Why do I feel my beliefs in better hands when the church is so corrupted.

Why... does more sincerity ring out in a room of 5 people singing aged chants, hundreds of years old, with no accompanyment, no singers on the stage. Just pure compassion, pure love.

I never felt more love, more peace, more compassion, than when i embraced these characteristics as the calling for my existence. When I compare Christian followers to those declared buddhists, the duality of christianity is not seen in the on the other side. The internal conflict in your daily life doesn't tear you apart. It is a concious decision, each and every second, to embrace peace and share love. Its not about what movies you don't watch, what you don't read, and who's mosic you listen to. It all comes down to the core of YOU.


Noodle said...

I met a 30 year old, ex-Catholic, femala lama last week. If you feel drawn to Buddhism, you were probably Buddhist during another span of time. I thought it was an amazing talk. And the idea of "beginningless" is awesome. I'm ever-eclectic in my beliefs and it makes my heart smile when people are drawn places outside the Box of Norm.

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