Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Piano... Maybe!

There's a small, independently owned music/instrument store down the street. I walked by it last night and nearly got giddy seeing all the sheet Music. I used to buy sheet music the way some people buy DVDS or CDs. I've probably spent over $1500 on sheet music in my music endeavors, including professional discounts I recieved when I bought them. I sent an email to the shop to ask about possibly renting the instruction room for practice time, in exchange for either a nominal fee or being willing to help with lessons.

I am almost too excited about this. It has been years since I've had steady access to a *true* piano, and there are some days I really miss the outlet. I am also hoping if I can brush up, then I can try getting back into the wedding industry here. That would be the quickest way for me to net some extra cash, with the smallest time constraints but also more flexibility.

*crosses fingers*


Noodle said...

Hooray for outlets!
That sounds so exciting for you, Amy.

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