Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Makeup is an interesting product. By principle, I rarely wear it, except on special occasions or when I feel like taking the extra effort.

Monday this week, I had insane amounts of time to kill before work and so just put some brown eyeliner and mascara on. I got no less than 4 comments/compliments.

Tuesday, I did the eyeliner, mascara, and just a brush of some bronze tone shadow. More comments.

Today, I did the same. More comments. All from different people. It makes me wonder.. do I really look that bad without makeup?? Having allergy reactions come through my skin makes for all sorts of fun as well as the fun hormone rollercoaster, but it just surprised me how that one simple thing drew so many comments, just from people walking by and talking to me.

In other news... my favorite boots are dying. I've have them for over 4 years, and they get leaky when its rainy/wet on the ground now. Hopefully it'll warm up quick and I can put off that shopping trip till the fall.


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