Thursday, July 29, 2010

Empty Space

It always interests me the little things that people pay attention to. Yesterday it was the big empty space on my shoemat (50%) and the fact that Sam had rolled up my tube of toothpaste.

The dog had stolen a toothbrush for himself... I wonder if this was a subtle hint from him.

Maker's Mark bottle top is perfect for drinking from the bottle without spilling 1 single drop. Love it.

I put Sam back on a bus to O'hare yesterday... I miss him but I'm not sad he's gone. I just can't make my emotions go there after moving to Chicago and having allowed a person to affect my emotions and my existence so much.

I am extremely happy for the things he has to look forward to in the next month, and it would be extremely selfish of me to take that anticipation and excitement away from him. College in general, engineering especially, is nothing to laugh at. Sam and I are not together because we need each other... we are together because we want to share our lives and make memories, both happy and sad, with each other. We can do this no matter whether we are in the same room or not, if we are honest with ourselves. It is just a LOT easier to have giggle fits in person :D

I don't really expect that anyone reads this stuff anyway, but it doesn't change the truth of it all. Happy Thursday!


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