Sunday, June 7, 2009

Moment of Truth

With all the stress of extra work lately, I have not been as diligent about what I have been putting in my mouth as I know I should be. I've managed to keep up a decent amount of exercise between not having the car and taking 3-5 mile walks on the weekend days. But, the emotional strings are getting tugged a little more often lately, and that is especially when I know I have a tendency to just eat for the sake of having something to *do*.

So I'm back on Weight Watchers before it really becomes an issue. Having the points and portions reminder is what has worked for me in past. So there, I've committed myself somewhere other than my brain.

and on a completely seperate note, it is soooo obvious when romantic movies are directed by a woman. The Wedding Date is on right now, and its the small things like panning the camera with them rubbing feet while otherwise occupied. I looked on IMDB because I wasn't 100% sure, but I was right!


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