Saturday, August 1, 2009

random stuff

Some guy was walking by me on the sidewalk earlier today. He was tucking back his jacket the same way people do in movies when they're giving the not so subtle hint they've got a gun holster on their hip, or they're showing a law badge. This guy... he was saying "Back off, I've got a Shiny Blue Walkman, YO!".

Its very windy today.

I had someone tell me today that I had so much positive energy that they felt they just had to stop me and talk to me. Turns out they were a massage therapist... we chitchatted for a sec, I gave me card, and the guy was having some issues with IL MT licensing laws and so I told him to check the website. When he walked away ... he said "the wind loves your smile".

Irish cream in coffee is more than my normal level of sweetness, but it is quite yummy at the moment.

The Ugly Truth was a good mindless 2 hours of easy laughs, but a few things got my attention. Blogging more about that somewhere else.

Its August 1. Happy early birthday, M. Your 18th surprise party will always be one of the most favorite I've thrown. I'll never forget the look of pure surprise, and how long we were able to keep you fooled.

I've started looking just about everyone in the eye and smiling as I've passed them on the sidewalk. Haven't really gotten many responses, but that's not why I'm doing it. And part of the problem in terms of responses is that I'm at the intersection of Broadway/Aldine/Halstead on Halstead Market Day. Enough said.


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