Friday, August 21, 2009

Flying Ducks and other news

Some things can only happen to me, apparently!

Great example. I was walking home one day last week, and discovered one of the dozens of nursing homes in my area has a pet duck. I was made aware of this fact as I was walking past/below their 2nd floor patio, where the duck has a coop in the corner. He must have thought Lake Michigan looked more appealing than his little pond. Who can blame him? He was trying to make an escape as I was directly underneath. My head was in the way as he teetered then came over the fence towards the ground. Eeek!

I was a little startled to say the least, and a few staff people came rushing down to corral him back inside. It happened so quickly it felt like one of those half surreal moments that you couldn't have dreamed up if you tried. Then I put my ipod on the Beatles to regain my sesnses to 8 Days a Week.


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