Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I did a little thinking why I've been feeling so emotional even with a good diet and lots of exercise. Then I realized that it was right after I got back from 4th of July in Chicago last year that I seriously considered the idea of moving here. It took from July to September to get all the pieces in place, but July was the month I started looking at apartments and jobs, and the 2nd weekend in August was when I went up for interviews and the peds in the weeds picnic. 3 weeks later, I was moving here for good.

I didn't know what to expect coming here, even after having moved two other times in two other states. This move has definitely taken the largest toll on me, both physically, emotionally, financially, and mentally. I've lived with things I never thought I could stand, and without things I once thought were necessities. I've learned I'm stronger than I think I am, even if I don't have all the answers or know what is coming next. All I know is I'll still be here despite it all.


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