Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Surreal Life

So a few weird things happened today.

I made a scrumptious pie last night. This morning, I accidentally ran over it and the tupperware container it was in. Miraculously, the pie survived almost completely unscathed -just a little of the crust crumbled on one side!

I accidentally dropped my phone in dusty's water glass in the car on the way back from Lanesboro. My phone is not almost royally fritzed out, though it did let me send a text message and say goodbye to my dearest Lauren before she leaves Chicago on Thursday. I am not complaining about that at all!!

And now... I had some cookies and milk. It felt like the only way I could possibly end a day that felt more like a dream than real. Now I just better now see a mouse come around and start talking to me. The cookies are MINE!


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