Friday, March 20, 2009

Free Friday!

well, not completely. I've got the obligatory medical attentions to appease this morning, but I wasn't as organized about getting other things for the day scheduled when I would have liked them.

So, I am spending this afternoon as a stress decompress, and going to replace a pair of pants that have gone beyond their shelf life, run errands, etc. and the best part - hit up the library, and another set by Andy Wagner at The Hideout. Seriously, if by now you haven't checked out to get a full, high quality download of his newest album, I don't know why I'm still talking to you! :)

Now going on week 2 of being completely car ownership free. It hasn't been a difficult switch, except for the days where I need ( ok ok WANT) to go places a little out of the convenience of direct cta access. But, I'm still for the most part getting where I want to.

Now on to new digital toy shopping - a new hearing aid! I think i should be able to trump out any digital junkies. They get to buy more stuff for the amount I have to shell out for an aid, but I can wear it every day.


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