Monday, January 5, 2009

More details about the trip will come later, but I wanted to sit and just get a few thoughts out as I'm working on getting myself through a down mood. Its starting to slowly get easier each time, and I rely less on having to call or find someone to talk to. I'm learning the things that will help me pass the time, especially those that do not involve clocks in any way.

I love Mexico for its skies along the beach. I've never seen as many star showers as I do there, and being on the cruise ship, at night I'd just look out at the stars, and remember how big the sky can feel. I love being on the 9th floor of our building at work and away from downtown. The extra distance allows me to see virtually all of Chicagoland from our office windows, and Lake Michigan as well. I will be glad to have the apartment with the water view!

One of my favorite pictures from Cabo San Lucas, as I only have the USB cord for one of the 2 cameras I took with me.


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