Thursday, November 27, 2008

New Traditions

This thanksgiving had a twist .... I went from having no one to celebrate with last year, to a family I've adopted as my own... I hope the feeling's mutual! I will admit my bribe of bourbon pecan pie helped to smooth things over, as I kept hearing "mmmm...........Mmmmmmm" across the table from the biggest pecan pie fan. The family tradition of Southern Comfort and cranberry juice was oh so tasty.... one I can see myself adopting!

I just wish I could shake the feeling at the end of the day I'm playing Pretend, in the land with little singing friends. So hard to watch the life I left behind move on as if I was never even there, especially on days like this where such emphasis is put on friends and family. But I'm picking up the pieces of what's left of my heart and letting a combination of time, soul searching, and some of the best real friends help put it back together. I'm not sure when it'll be ready to consider giving to someone again ... For now, I'm just working on being able to give my heart to myself, each and every day.


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