Thursday, April 7, 2011

The power of words

This doesn't get emphasized enough.

Today at work, a series of words came out of my mouth that drastically changed someone's life. Each word in any other context would have been nothing of note. This one time, they were lined up in the exact order that I spoke them. They were spoke, they were heard, and then they were comprehended. Then they had true power.

They were words that I had to say as part of my job. And again, each word alone would have meant nothing. If I had not spoke, tomorrow would just be another day like today, and the one before it.

Your words have power. Every. Both spoken and written, but especially spoken. There is something about the connection experience in that sensory language that heightens the communication.

I am usually not one for small talk or chitchat. If something needs to be said I'll say it, if not I am perfectly content to not speak. I actually had my Boat Crew instructor comment on this as he was giving me a lift to the train one day. He had been talking in front of the class for over 3 hours and I figured he might be ready for a break. I just gazed out the window and relaxed in the car for a good 10 minutes until he said "You don't talk much". Me: "Nope. But I can if you would like me to".

It is still sinking in that the words I spoke today will never be forgotten by someone. Think about that. If you were saying something never to be forgotten, what would you be saying? What would someone tell you that you would never forget?

I remember when 12 years old, and my piano teacher's husband was very ill. When I was 6-8 years old he used to ask me to play the piano for him and would tell me that we would one day play an Opera together. He was a man bigger than life, until he wasn't. All these years later, I still remember those conversations. Little moments that to someone else were either a moment of dementia or else just making conversation. These moments have been woven into the fabric of my memory and are how I will think of some people for the rest of my life.

Words. They are just letters put together. L E T T E R S. I L O V E Y O U . W A R . K E T C H U P.


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