Sunday, April 10, 2011

If I didn't look at the calendar

I would think today was June, not April.

But I'm not complaining. NOT ONE BIT. I think getting my mani/pedi day on Friday was maybe a hint to Mister Weather that we needed some sandal weather, stat. And we got it!

I have been waiting ages to be able to head out in sandals and a skirt and walk the beach. It was really the right choice moving back to Rogers Park and back within beach viewing distance. I absolutely love the ability to go right to the water's edge, and look out towards the horizon and not see a single sign of human civilization (when the sailboats are in the way I just blot them out with my thumb. Yes, I know that's cheating. So Shush already :D)

I haven't made the walk to go climb my rock yet, but we have plenty of time for that. Everyone just seems to HAPPY to be at the beach. People running, on bikes, just chilling, reading (like me), anything is better when it is surrounded by fresh air. In all this time I've never actually gone swimming in Lake Michigan. Maybe I will do that this year, we'll see.

I had a momentary twinge of longing for the Coast Guard boat time. I had to remind myself that I can still go out on the patrols, I just have to get on the waiting list to go as a guest instead of as crew. Hopefully I can do that at least a few times this season.

The day is winding down but here is to having every single of my 8 windows open, a strong breeze, the smell of fresh air and incoming rain. There's just one more thing that would make this a perfect night.


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