Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Running Update

Its been a few weeks.

I'm still in this goal. I'm about halfway into week #4 of 20 according to the Race schedule I've been working off of. I'm really noticing how quickly the cardio fitness starts to ramp up. When I started, I was barely able to go 8-9 mins total over 35 mins of running. Now I'm able to do 25-30 minutes of running out of 50-60 minutes of activity.

The 5k race is in a week and a half. my first race. They're expecting in excess of 30,000 people. 30,000!!!!! I don't even know how they'll begin to navigate all the people through spaces. Only one way to find out!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

staying put

I can't believe I am saying this. But I think I figured out what my problem has been these 2 years. I never expected Chicago to be a permanent move. It was an escape move from a relationship and financial situation that has ended up being the biggest trial by fire I've been put through. It's no secret I am not fond of this town. I've had a difficult time making friends, and I am not able to get into the great outdoors. Half the problem was because my work is not challenging anymore, and I need that to stay interested. I was without direction, without goals, without interests. I'm involved in a indefinite long distance relationship that operates on 2 visits a year, if I'm lucky.

But for the first time.. I am finding myself having to juggle time to see if I can do everything I want to do. I'm outside with a physical goal to run a half marathon in 5 months. I just signed up with the Coast Guard Auxiliary unit here for the Willmette Harbor, which has a Search and Rescue mission component, as well as boating safety, and other Coast Guard activities. I am beyond the moon about getting back onto the water. I wanted to apply to the USCG as a kid but I'm disqualified because of my hearing. I never knew about the Aux unit until today. As soon as I found out, I made the call and less than 30 mins later, I'm on the calendar for boat time.

I'm looking at possibly having a roommate for some more social interaction, but also to alleviate some of the dog owner logistics that I have been using as an excuse to not be out doing things.I have a meeting tomorrow to meet someone and consider taking a bedroom in their apartment. I'm bringing Dusty for a meet n greet with their 5 yr old daughter.

At first I was leery because I thought I'd be moving soon and I didn't think it fair to set up something only to bail a few months in, when kids are involved. But the kid wants a puppy and the mom jumped at the idea of having a permanent visiting dog without having to take financial ownership of it.

In the process of setting this up, I was invited to stay for dinner. This is a first for me.... I can see all the pieces maybe coming together. This house is less than a 10 min walk from my office. I'd be able to walk home during lunch to let dusty out, and then go from work to the station, all while being able to use public transit. I was worried not having a car would make things hard, because that HAS impeded on other interests I've tried to pursue.

Its hard to let go of the idea of PacNW and the Oregon cult. But all the energy that I was putting forth into that with no results was affecting my quality of life in the meantime. I'm not one to say I wish I had ______.

In all of this... I am still realistically single. and away from my family. But maybe now things are in place that I can have a better social network here than I have the last 2 years. up to this point I've let Chicago have the upper hand... that is not my style. That all changes, starting now.Read more:

Running a half!

I signed up for my first half marathon - Myrtle Beach, Here I come!!

I've got quite a few friends who live in the stretch from DC to Florida, so I've already started pestering the ones I know who are runners to consider running with me, and everyone else to make a roadtrip to the halfway point which Myrtle is, and spend Presidents Day weekend and come cheer me on. I'm deaf! I can't hear ya unless there's huge crowd. I kid, I kid.

But it feels good to have another goal. I am also doing the Reindeer Rumble in December for a 8k, its a little difficult to find winter races in Chicago for the obvious reason as the weather can be extremely unpredictable in late December and January.

But here we go...

Sunday, October 3, 2010


and i'm still alive to tell about it. and Not completely kneeled over in pain.

I was a little leery about this running thing as I was loaned a book by a friend that is "Non Marathon Runner Guide to Marathons" for women. The author of the book talks a LOT about constantly being in pain. I can get no pain no gain in a figurative sense.. but something was screaming out to me you shouldn't be saying you'll be popping advil from now till the time training is over. That means you're doing something wrong.

I will definitely say that my walking over the last year has increased my overall fitness. If I had tried to do the run/walk combo I did earlier today back in July when I first started my walking, I would have failed miserably, I think. I have much greater lung capacity and muscle foundation in my quads, hamstrings, and knees. I was definitely working hard after I'd done the 9th transition to a run, but when I finished I was able to still take deep breaths and hold my head up. I didn't have a set path in mind as I was focusing more on time training than distance, but I covered 2.75 miles in about 35 minutes.

I started Friday as I was walking to Domincks on Dodge (long story, and this post really isn't to enforce my sometimes random days of "Duh" moments). I didn't have dusty but was wearing my sneakers, and figured why the hell not try the pacing switches even though i didn't have my heart rate monitor on me. I did 4 transitions of that and made it to Dominicks... I bought some small groceries to take home so I walked the way back, but I think that is what made me a little more optimistic about today before I even started.

Monday is supposed to be a rest day, but I still have to walk to/from work, and walk dusty. I've been looking into Bally again to find some options for cross training now that winter is coming. A friend has a membership there and I think I can get a discount on a friend pass for $20 a month. This would give me a workout buddy maybe, which would be a lot of fun and a good way to get more motivation.

Now time to get some sleep. I have a harder time falling asleep when i've ramped up my exercise cause I get that adrenaline rush and it just keeps me wide awake. But its been a while since I've had this intensity level and it feels really good. yay me.
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