I love when you can find those people in your life that you have a good time with, no matter what you are doing or if things are going as planned.
I got a pasta maker from Goodwill a few weeks ago, and with Sam in town this weekend I wanted to try it out.
we failed. MISERABLY. and I haven't laughed or smiled so much since I set his cake on fire in July. I had mishaps with the dough and had to make 2 batches, and then when we got past the dough creation stage we just did not have any luck getting the texture/consistency we needed.
I asked him on the way to O'hare what his favorite memory from the weekend was, and he said it was the pasta escapade.
We are back to our "real" lives with him on a plane back to AZ at the moment. I keep finding little notes that say "i Love you!" all over the house. I tried to track down some on purpose but I don't find them then. So far I have found 3. I don't even know how he was able to be this sneaky, unless it was while I was taking Dusty outside before we left.
But it makes me smile, and we all need more reasons to do that these days.
This is awesome. Your smile has spread to NY. :)
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