It's that time again ... where I rather abruptly cut off many physical ties with places I know and am familiar with, and put myself someplace else.
Last year was north of the border... this year south of the border.
I've been to Mexico many many times. Having grown up in a border state, I've been on both east and west coasts of mexico, in the resort towns and in the rural stretches.
I'm in a place I've been before, but this time I'm without the more spanish fluent counterpart. I've been able to interact with the people around me today, and thankful my brain loves to hang onto pieces of information for forever.
I was in the pool lounging and reading my book, and watching the storm clouds get closer. I didn't want to get out unless it actually started to rain since there seem to be a lot of fast moving storms, but they are pretty random in their dumping spots. I looked up and saw and upside down rainbow. I've never seen one of those before, and I wonder if I ever will again. I thought maybe it was just my sunglasses or the sun glare but nope. Pretty sure it was real.
After doing the evening dog sitting duties, I decided to head towards the pier and stretch a bit. There's some stray dogs out that were left by their Mexican owners when they left to go home earlier last month. We've been putting out some food for them, and they were very quick to make the association in the care for their wellbeing.
one in particular is a medium sized dog, with a gentle face and happy wag. He was chilling outside on the sand nearby when I left the house and he was pretty excited to see me. Knowing these are pretty much wild dogs, I've not made any attempt to interact, pet, etc as you just don't know what will happen, especially when I am dropping bowls of food for them.
This dog walked ALL the way to the pier - about a 2 mile walk. at first there were 2 following me but 1 got bored and decided to investigate elsewhere.
pretty soon it was evident that he was "with me". As we got closer to the pier there were people out on the beach and their dogs were quite aggressive of their territory. Most just met almost halfway and threatened each other. When I saw that lightening was starting to come and that it was getting dark, I turned to head back. The dog was still right there with me. I stopped moving and put my hand out - he came right up and licked my hand, then did the whole head rub on your knee thing that dogs are good at. Pretty friendly guy.
On our way back a group of dogs were a little more forward in their aggressiveness and 3 of them ganged up on him for a minute. They got in a good warning nip or 2 and he raced back to me, then turned around to face them and growled. Wow. I've only known this dog for 4 days and he's being protective of me.
We keep walking..... all the way back to the house. I wanted to at least get a little more people interaction so i kept going until I got to the street that takes me to the bodega. The little bugger stayed right on me, crossing the street with me and then finally losing interest when I went into the bodega and came out and he was gone.
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