Friday, July 8, 2011

So.. that thing

So .. you know that thing.

Where you have someone to make you breakfast. Or dinner. Or barter in exchange for doing the dishes.

Someone to give you a shoulder rub just because.

Someone who says its absolutely not at all a hassle to pick me up from the train so we can spend time together.

Someone whose love of ice cubes in water may in fact surpass my own.

Someone who can kick back a salad one day, shake and burger another, sushi yet another, and homemade mexican to round it off. And above all loves COSTCO!!

Oh. And someone whose toes I can make curl if I hit some spots exactly right.

Yea... That. I've got it. It feels REALLY REALLY GOOD. *does a happy monkie dance*


Anonymous said...

I am SO happy for you! This entry has made smile, Big.

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